Elena Diesbach
Elena Diesbach heads the International Office of the HFF Munich, where she plans and implements international study and exchange programs together with professors of the university and (inter)national film industry experts, and advises and supports HFF students in their international activities. In 2018, she founded the HFF Summer School, which since then has stood for a high-quality, English-language advanced and continuing education program at the HFF Munich. The Young Talent Mentoring and Residency Program MunichFilmUp!, which she founded in 2021 and has since been leading together with her French colleague Matthieu Darras, supports the development of debuts of six outstanding international alumni*ae of a film school ( of which at least one*is from HFF Munich ) in a hybrid 9-month program, financially supported by the Kirch Foundation. Elena Diesbach was previously an editor at Primavista Film and Television Production and Acquisitions & Sales Manager at Helkon Media AG. She was Program Director of the Greek Film Week Munich and Co-Director of Hellas Filmbox Berlin, as well as working for major German film festivals in various positions. From 2005 to 2017 she was a lecturer and artistic-scientific assistant in the Department V Production & Media Business at HFF Munich, focusing on film and media festivals and markets, distribution & sales, and international co-productions. In 2023 Elena Diesbach founded the film production company ALAMODE FILMPRODUKTION GmbH together with Fabien Arséguel and Tobias Lehmann.